This website is primarily dedicated to that part of my soul path which is intricately connected with Native Americans and other indigenous people. (For a website that is broader in scope, please visit

Solar glyph found at the amazing Cahokia Mound site in Illinois.

Listening to my intuition, several years ago I began to make journeys around this country. These journeys were not vacations but more like pilgrimages or sacred adventures. The one in 2018 lasted three months and was focused primarily in northern California, Oregon, and Montana. The one in 2022 ended up being six months long, and when tracing the route on a map, looked rather like a huge crooked oval around the continental U.S. Then in early 2024, I completed a shorter journey down to Florida and back. There are many more such journeys in my future.

In 2018, I found myself discovering new things about several tribes and native people with whom I was unfamiliar. There was a lot of serendipity, grace, and peace as I slowed down to the “pace of nature,” offered prayer at places of sorrow, and had some unexpected mystical encounters. It was an incredibly rich time.

In 2022, after again receiving a strong message to travel, I chose 6 sacred or significant places I wanted to visit (or in two cases, revisit) and then let myself be guided to everything before, after, and in between those places. Those six places included: the amazing Serpent Mound in Peebles, OH; Gnadenhutten, OH; Wounded Knee, SD; Bear Lodge (aka Devil’s Tower), WY; Bighorn Medicine Wheel in Wyoming; and sacred Mt. Shasta in California. Along the way, I ended up discovering many ancient earth mounds and earthworks I’d never heard of before. I learned there were thousands of these mounds. I was continually struck by how inadequate our schools are if such significant creations are never even mentioned to our children. There are also way too many sites of battles and massacres where hundreds of native people were killed—not only men, but always women, children, and babies, too. These events were absolutely horrific and brutal and have also been glossed over in our history classes.

Small burial mound and prayer offerings found at Gnadenhutten, Ohio, the site of a massacre of peaceable Christianized Lenape and Mahican people.

One day during a conversation with a nurse practitioner at a routine doctor visit in Pennsylvania, I realized that the average American knows very little about, not only the history of Native Americans but the lives they live now and the issues they care about now. For instance, did you know there are 574 federally recognized tribes? That’s a huge number! And native people say there are many, many more that the government doesn’t recognize. Since that conversation in the doctor’s office, part of my mission has become the sharing of what I have learned these past several years. And to that end I have been writing quite a bit (see my blog and stay tuned for a book in process), giving workshops and presentations both in person and online, and speaking at area churches, retirement centers, etc.

Native Americans have been both villified and glorified, but many Americans have never even had a conversation with a Native American. There is so much for each one of us to learn, so many ways to grow, and certainly much to atone for. I want to help facilitate all of these things.

Giving inspirational talks has been a part of my life for quite a while now. You can find out about Events, Workshops, Seminars, Talks, and Presentations below. Or you can check out some of my videos. I especially recommend these two: “Living as if the World is Sacred” and “Cultivating a Spirit of Hope.” You can also find inspirational videos of my talks HERE, including “Loving this Earth,” “Angels in our Midst–Human and Otherwise,” and “The Most Important Things Aren’t Things.” Also, listen to podcasts HERE, including: “We All Have a Spiritual Support Team,” “How Can We Birth a New Earth (Or, Co-creating the Shift We Yearn to See),” “The Power of Pilgrimage,” “Transforming Our Fear of Death,” and “Communing with the Spirits.” You can also find me on Facebook. If you’d like to purchase a copy of my book Grief and Grace: Stories at the Intersection of Life and Death, contact me at (You can also order it on Amazon.)

Meanwhile, when you’re feeling discouraged, remember the words of these wise ones:

“The Earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the Earth. All things are connected like the blood that unites us all. Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.” ~Chief Seattle

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day I can hear her breathing.” ~Arundhati Roy  

Be the Love. Be the Light.

Bless you all,


Cynthia Greb among the redwoods on her 2018 pilgrimage.
Me in Idaho on my 2022 pilgrimage.

Cover image: This place of great beauty is Bear River in southeastern Idaho. It

also happens to be the place where there had been a horrendous massacre of 493 Shoshone men, women, and children.

EVENTS — Recent and Upcoming

  • March 23, 2025 Teaching at Newtown Friends, Newtown, PA: Spiritual Beliefs and Practices of Indigenous Americans in the United States
  • January 19, 2025 Speaking at The Celebration, Santa Fe, NM (via Zoom): Can Ancient Wisdom Help Us Navigate Our Present and Create a Better Future?
  • December 8, 2024 Speaking at Circle of Miracles, New Britain, PA: My Unfolding Journey with Sky Woman
  • September 19, 2024 Sacred Roadtripping Online seminar. $30 To register, please contact me via email at
  • August 20, 2024 Presentation at Abington House, Foulkeways at Gwynedd, PA. Learning about the Tribal Nations of Turtle Island: First Person Stories
  • August 13, 2024 Seminar for Susan Duval Seminars, Doylestown, PA. Sacred Roadtripping: Inspiration & Tips for Sacred Travel in the U.S.A.
  • July 16, 2024 Presentation at Abington House, Foulkeways at Gwynedd, PA. What do Mississippi, Manayunk & Monongahela have in common? Exploring Indigenous Place Names
  • July 8, 2024 Presentation at Foulkeways at Gwynedd, PA. The Mystery of America’s Earth Mounds: Melding Academic & Indigenous Knowledge with Personal Experience
  • June 28, 2024 Presentation at Abington House, Foulkeways at Gwynedd, PA. A Brief Overview of the Lenape
  • May 4, 2024 Presentation at Foulkeways at Gwynedd, PA. Exploring Native America in the 21st Century: One Woman’s Journey
  • April 28, 2024 Speak at Pebble Hill Interfaith Church, Doylestown, PA. We Are Beings of Light
  • March 24, 2024 Speak at Circle of Miracles, New Britain, PA. Sacred Journey 101: Being Guided to Where You Need to Be
  • November 5, 2023 Speak at Pebble Hill Interfaith Church, Doylestown, PA. Becoming Allies with Native Americans
  • October 29, 2023 Speak at Circle of Miracles, New Britain, PA. All Souls Day: Guiding Spirits Home
  • March 26, 2023 Speak at Pebble HIll Interfaith Church, Doylestown, PA. Beauty, Mystery & Grace on the Road
  • March 12, 2023 Speak at Circle of Miracles, New Britain, PA. Prayer & Ceremony on the Road
  • February 26, 2023 Seminar for Susan Duval Seminars, Doylestown, PA. America’s Mysterious Earth Mounds: Melding Academic and Indigenous Knowledge with Intuition and Personal Experience
  • February 5, 2023 Speak at Pebble Hill Church, Doylestown, PA. The Art and Practice of Pilgrimage
  • January 4, 2023  Speak for the Lansdale-Philly Psychic Development Group. Mystical Mt. Shasta
  • November 2, 2022  Online class. Introduction to Earth Mounds and Other Ancient Sites of Turtle Island
  • October 30, 2022  Speaking at The Celebration, Santa Fe, NM. Communing with the Spirits
  • August 13, 2022 Speak at the Lansdale-Philly Psychic Development Group. Honoring Ancient Native American Sites and Spirits
  • May 29, 2022 The Celebration, Santa Fe, NM. We All Have a Spiritual Support Team
  • May 8, 2022 Speak at Pebble Hill Church, Doylestown, PA. How Would Our World Be Different if We Honored a Mother God?
  • April 24, 2022 Speak at Circle of Miracles, New Britain, PA. Loving This Earth
  • December 5, 2021 Speak at Circle of Miracles, New Britain, PA. The Most Important Things Aren’t Things
  • September 5, 2021 Speak at Circle of Miracles, New Britain, PA. Being Light!

    ***To contact Cynthia Greb about a presentation or speaking engagement, email her at***

Fascinating Sky at Mt. Shasta, CA.
Sunny flowers in Crestone, Colorado
Solstice Morning in Pennsylvania

Happy dogs on a winter’s morn in Crestone, CO.
Bear Lodge
Bear Lodge, more commonly known as Devil’s Tower. Wyoming.
Betsy enjoying the view. Crestone, CO.
Koi at Columcille, Bangor, PA.